07 March 2007

Let me put you in the picture

As mentioned in this week’s Heavy Rotation, Patrick Wolf has got a brilliant new album out called ‘The Magic Position’.

The album has a brilliant song on it, also called ‘The Magic Position’.

Now, Patrick has made a brilliant video called ‘The Magic Position’, to accompany the song of the same name.

It is all very brilliant. Here is a rundown of the important moments in the video:

00:07 - In the opening shot, Patrick is seen playing a table as though it is a piano.
00:13 - He opens a drawer and A BIRD FLIES OUT.
00:50 - Patrick stumbles across a motorbike accident. The Highway Code says he should check the victim, alert the emergency services and warn other road users of the hazard. What will Patrick do?
00:57 - Patrick knocks twice on the motorcyclist’s helmet and then does a little pirouette.
01:19 - Patrick encounters an ice cream vendor with a bicycle. There’s then a slow zoom to Patrick’s face before…
01.32 - COSTUME CHANGE: Leopardprint hoodie and shorts.
01:38 - The Magic Position Dance Routine is premiered (a stomp of each foot during the beat between the words ‘the’ and ‘magic’ in the chorus).
01:53 - Professional dancers literally running rings around Patrick.
02:08 - Patrick doing some kind of waltz manoeuvre on a very colourful floor.
02:11 - COSTUME CHANGE: Back to the red jumper and pendant ‘combo’.
02:16 - Symbolism! Notice how the man in the background throws away his rubbish just as Patrick sings “been dragged through the dirt”, and the girl is lifted from the ground as he says “get back up”. Precisely the reason it takes years of training to direct music videos.
02:29 - Patrick steals a girl’s mobile phone. Another example of ASBO Britain.
02:40 - Something we didn’t get involving a television and a guy from Peckham in the 80s.
02:56 - COSTUME CHANGE: Grey top and blue ribbon belt.
02:58 - Brilliant hip thrust moment.
03:30 - More circle running, plus the man from Peckham has a dance while some other people are sort of jogging, but on their partners upturned feet.
03:39 - The correct way to clap along to the song is revealed. You don’t really see enough songs with clapping routines these days.
04:00 - Patrick is left alone on the colourful floor and the draw bird flies at the camera, thus ending the video.

Amazing. Did we mention that a bird flies out of a drawer? Whoosh! You can watch the video

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