05 March 2007

Shakespeare's Sister

Absolutely no idea what’s going on in this picture of Siobhan Donaghy

but it makes us think of some kind of depressed clown. Out of a Shakespeare play. It must be the frills.

We haven’t seen or read much Shakespeare so don’t really know if there are any depressed clown characters in his plays, although it’s safe to say that if there are, this is what they look like.

As well as some kind of depressed clown, Siobhan also looks like an absolutely amazing pop star, which is fitting because she is one. The photo was taken by James Dimmock, who is apparently big in the world of shutters and lenses, and not at all related to Charlie.

Incidentally, we’re having sod all luck finding out when Siobhan’s new stuff is out.

By “having sod all luck” we mean, of course, that the info wasn’t on the first page of the Google results and we can’t see it on her MySpace. If anyone knows any release dates could they please send them here? Thank you. x

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