01 April 2007

Pot, Kettle, Mediocre

Apparently Mika has said that the Scissor Sisters are “so mediocre I can’t believe it”.

Now, we’re no experts on irony, but isn’t that a bit rich coming from a man whose best song sounds very much like a mediocre Scissor Sisters album track? And one off their second album at that?

There was a time when Mika seemed like quite a good pop star. Not as good as some people were trying to make out, but competent nonetheless. Recently though he’s been on a slide towards rubbishness that's culminated in a ridiculous, six-year-old-kid-on-acid performance at the South by Southwest music festival and the release of his new single ‘Love Today’.

Everything you need to know about Love Today:

1) It is probably one of the worst songs ever.
2) That’s it.

Mika: Shhhhh!

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