27 July 2007

Friday YouTube Hilarity

Have a look at this ‘video mash-up’ that someone has done for one of M.I.A.’s new tunes, the horn-tastic ‘XR2’. In it they’ve spliced shitloads of random clips to fit the track, creating something that is a lot more worthwhile than most ‘promo clips’ are these days.

Some notes before viewing:

:: It’s made by someone called ‘monkeyman133’ (LOL r@nDomZ!!11)
:: It’s quite clever but loses the plot a bit after about four minutes.
:: The ‘whistle-whistle-blow-blow’ bit is probably the best thing you will ever see.

:: EDIT: The SECOND ‘whistle-whistle-blow-blow’ bit, not the Eric Prydz one. FYI.
:: The whole mini-Jacko segment is amazing.
:: There is a short ‘Thriller’-based intermission (YAY) with overweight men dancing (BOO).
:: It ends with some Brazilian DJs, FYI.


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