26 February 2008

Going over to She-Ra's house

If, like us, you harbour a masochistic liking for Crystal Castles’ more noise-based moments, you will have been delighted to hear ‘Alice Practice’ ringing out during the duo’s guest appearance in Skins last night.

If you’ve heard it, you’ll know it’s exactly the sort of track that says “my dad died this morning and I’m only just getting round to telling my newly-reconciled best friend about it by breaking down in his arms at a Crystal Castles gig”.

Incidentally, we once walked into a room where CC were performing ‘Alice Practice’ but we didn’t break down in tears because our dad fucked off years ago. We did go slightly mental though.

Anyway. Commiserations to Mike Bailey’s brilliantly-portrayed Sid, and congratulations to the Skins producers, for another heartstopping moment of audiovisual synchronicity.

Now let’s have a picture of the band.

Very nice. Crystal Castles’ album is out soon and if you’re not already a fan of their 8-bit techno thrashracket then the sparseness of supposedly-poppier moments like ‘Air War’ or ‘Untrust Us’ on this album will do little to convince you.

Most of it sounds like the result of chucking a SNES, some mobile phones, a drum kit and a woman into one of those massive human-grinders out of the computer game Quake. Messy, but entertaining.

And now - because we love you - here is an MP3 of something that isn’t on the album; the fantastically-disturbed ‘Knights’. It’s like being trapped in an episode of Jam.

Crystal Castles - Knights (zshare)

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