26 March 2008

In which the spirit of Mary Whitehouse lives on

The original video for Toca’s Miracle by Fragma was a prime example of early-noughties context-free flesh flashing. It wasn’t exactly gratuitous, but it did manage to tie footage of generously-bosomed ladies running around in short skirts kicking balls at each other to a song whose lyrics bear absolutely no relation to indoor sports, five-a-side or otherwise.

Let’s remind ourselves of it.

Harmless enough, was it not?

Fast forward eight years and someone has done a (rubbish) remix of the track, attached to which is a frighteningly poor promo. In it a woman is seen, clothed, mouthing the words of the song. Refreshing that they sourced a wardrobe budget and didn’t just go down the route of getting a load of Nuts girls with their tits out, you might think.


Seconds later, all the lady’s clothes have fallen off and she’s shown dancing for the pleasure of a grinning suitor - who looks not entirely unlike a rapist - presumably because THIS IS WHAT WOMEN DO, or something. It’s a depressing concept, and the latest in a growing line of clips featuring utterly inexplicable arse-baring. Clearly, a lack of imagination is afoot.

So today we make this plea:

Promo directors - GET BETTER IDEAS.

(Here are some to get you started).

Talking Dogs!

Animated T-shirts!




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