11 April 2008

Madonna - 4 Minutes: the slightly more definitive review

We’ve been asked to clarify our position on the new Madonna single, ‘4 Minutes’. Here it is, not that we need to justify ourselves to anyone (this is a dictatorship, not a democracy):

‘4 Minutes’ is not a terrible record. Nor, however, is it anywhere near as exciting as you’d expect a pop song made by three of the planet’s biggest stars to be. Compare hearing this to the dizzy thrills brought on by your first acquaintance with ‘Maneater’, and ‘4 Minutes’ comes off worse than a dead rabbit squaring up to a steamroller.

‘4 Minutes’ represents the point in every producer’s life when they must head back to the studio, listen to the mountain of shit that has been cluttering their desk for two years, then use it to forge a truly kidney-punishing new sound. Until Timbo does that, we’re only going to get more ‘Shock Value’ outtakes and retreads.

So there you go.

In other ‘Madge’ news, in-depth reports suggest the new album is quite good.

Let’s have a video to celebrate:

Very good.


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