03 April 2007

Dressing up time with Robyn

Last week, Robyn’s ‘Konichiwa Bitches’ was Single Of The Week. This week, the promo for it is Video Of The Week. We don’t even have a Video Of The Week award, but we’re giving it to this one. Before we go on to the analysis, lets take a look at some of the video’s special features:

: : Puppets.
: : Karaoke subtitles.
: : Giant boxing gloves.

It’s brilliant; something which didn’t really come across when they showed it in fast forward on Popworld. Here are the best bits:

00:01 - BOING! Loony Tunes sound effect. Makes us think the video will be quite cartoonish.
00:08 - Conversation between Robyn and a small monkey about what beat she would like on the track. This video is quite cartoonish.
00:25 - The conversation takes place on a GIANT RED PHONE, by the way.
00:31 - It’s the opening titles! These are good opening titles, not like the rubbish ones you get in Justin Timberlake videos when they’re trying to pretend it’s a film.
00:44 - The giant boxing gloves and karaoke subtitles we mentioned earlier appear.
00:45 - Verse bit where Robyn appears in various guises appropriate to the lyrics:
00:46 - Boxer
00:50 - Astronaut
00:53 - Eskimo, or whatever they are called nowadays.
00:57 - Bee
01:04 - Nurse
01:07 - Nurse again, even though the lyric is “saw you in half, like I’m a magician”. (No wonder the NHS is in crisis if this is how nurses behave these days, etc.)
01:14 - A frankly-unconvincing “mathematician” with a big hand.
01:18 - A burglar!
01:24 - Now Robyn changes back into her slightly ill-advised eighties outfit.
01:30 - And gives us a lesson on how she arranges her breasts of a morning.
01:43 - Three geishas appear, with Robyn as the one in the middle. She says “Konichiwa Bitches”. If these three formed some sort of arch fighting trio, and called themselves The Konichiwa Bitches, we think they could quite comfortably “take” the Harijuku Girls.
01:56 - Robyn’s dressed as a giant sweet. This is getting silly now.
02:04 - Now she’s a postman. Or postwoman. That’s quite normal we suppose.
02:07 - Now she’s a mailbomb! Who commissioned this?
02:26 - A confused tramp wanders into the studio and sings a bit of the song with Robyn.
02:37 - Robyn gets dressed up as a giant microphone and does the call-and-response bit with a pair of giant lips. Just how many oversized objects are in this video, anyway? Someone should get on to the props department about how they scale things.
02:51 - A 1 TON pile of shit lands on the floor (really). Why? Because “when shit is getting heavy, like it weighs a ton”, Robyn will “run you down like a Marathon“ and, er, put you in the boot of a car. Quite how that’s supposed to help is anyone’s guess.
03:03 - Loony Tunes-style ending. Well, it was coming wasn’t it?

Phew! You can watch the video here.

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