02 April 2007

You’ve heard this one before, it’s a Smiths song

Mark Ronson - Stop Me

Amazingly, there are people out there who think that covering a song by The Smiths would be an act of massive sacrilege, roughly akin to throwing a burning sheep through a church window.

If it was up to them, records by so-called ‘important’ artists would be locked in a glass vault on the day of release and hidden in a very safe place, so no wrongdoing young ‘uns could get their messy mitts on them.

These people are idiots, obviously.

One person who is definitely not an idiot is Mark Ronson, who’s taken the rain-soaked melancholy of The Smiths’ ’Stop Me If You Think You’ve Heard This One Before’ and replaced it with nu-soul strings, beats and an ADD-friendly title, and given it the kind of Pimp My Misery treatment that makes you think less about abject heartbreak and more about which shoes you’re going to go out dancing in.

That’s not to say there’s no feeling, there’s plenty of that, provided in the main by Daniel Merriweather’s aching vocal, which slides into your ears like melted chocolate, but without any of the sticky unpleasantness that would entail.

All of which bodes well for Mark’s upcoming album, ‘Version’. But what will the purists say when he gets his hands on Kaiser Chiefs’ ‘Oh My God’?! Only time will tell.

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