11 March 2007

Better late than never...

Patrick Wolf - The Magic Position

Regular readers will know that we love Patrick Wolf, but did you know that Patrick Wolf loves love?

At least that’s the impression he gives on new album, ‘The Magic Position’, a collection so bursting with romantic optimism it makes you want to reach into the speakers and take it out dancing.

It opens, appropriately enough, with ’Overture’, which is basically what the London Philharmonic would sound like if they employed podium dancers as part of their setup. The gleeful genre-mashing continues on former single ’Accident & Emergency’, where Patrick treats us to some R&Bindie of the highest order.

The songs here are littered with references to love lost and found, not least the title track, a romantic ditty which breezes along like ’Come On Eileen’ doing cartwheels at a sports day. Similarly, ’Get Lost’ (“darling these days my favourite view is you”) is so cheerful and hook-filled it might just be the truly amazing song that The Polyphonic Spree never actually got round to writing.

With this album, Patrick has crafted a genuine yet modern-sounding take on the subject of love, building on the poppier moments of his previous work. “Let me put you in the magic position”, he sings on the title track. Rest assured that by the end of the album you’ll very much be there. If ‘the magic position’ means ‘the mood to go and skip through meadows with the girl or boy of your dreams’, that is. Brilliant.

1 comment:

Kato said...

How can such a deep sexy voice come from such a skinny lil man/boy? Any suggestions? No offense to the wee fella though, he does have very nice hair and the front cover of his new album makes me feel kinda voyeuristic.