20 February 2008

Awards not yet forthcoming for local live music photographer

Here are some pictures from Friday night’s O Fracas set at Keys Money Lipstick. As you can see they were taken with the same care and attention-to-detail our resident snapper bestows upon all his efforts.

The verdict on the band is thus: some of their songs are very good and they are obviously nice lads (this is particularly true of the singer, who we accosted outside). Plus, they wore matching t-shirts, which is always appreciated.


When it becomes obvious that an audience isn’t ‘having it’ in quite the way they‘d hope, a band’s response should always be to up their game and be ten times themselves. Not drop heads, finish the set and mumble some stuff about 'cool kids' to the promoter.

On a better day O Fracas might have blown through the room like a gale, sweeping the resident foot shufflers along on their own jangly breeze. As it was, they came, played some better-than-average indie while looking at the floor, and left. Shame.

Not sure what that last one is.

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