23 March 2007

Some things for the weekend

>>> First things first, this made us laugh a lot.

>>> Decide for yourself if the new Arctic Monkeys song is boring by listening to it here. Incidentally, the budget for the video means the Monkeys have now spent a grand total of £3.64 on all their promos.

>>> Now, prepare yourself for what is probably the most disturbing thing you will ever see, and a very strong case against the horrors of crack. Remember children, THIS IS WHAT DRUGS DO TO YOUR BRAIN. Click here (you have been warned)

>>> We’re sure there were at least fifty films made in the eighties featuring this exact same idea, but the new Mark Ronson video is quite nice to watch. For our money though, it should have depicted the mental deterioration of a failing comedian, showing him as he goes around various clubs being not very good and then finally realising one day that he’s not a comedian at all but is in fact A BRILLIANT CLOWN. He could’ve done some tumbling near the end, and then been showered with roses, or perhaps even silly string, during the final bit with the strings. Perfect!

>>> Speaking of Mark Ronson, he is on Transmission tonight (11.40pm, Channel 4), but it is probably going to be rubbish. We don’t know if he is on Popworld, but you should be watching that anyway because it definitely will not be rubbish (Sat 10.30am C4/Sun 2pm E4).

>>> We didn’t know about this, but the Klaxons website is completely bonkers and clearly the work of someone who’s had far too much Sunny Delight in their time. Probably best avoided if you suffer from epilepsy; we know web designers who would literally pull out their own eyes if they saw this. It's been tidied up. Boo!

>>> Finally, on a Klaxons ‘tip’, we’ll leave you with this picture of the artwork for the
re-release of ‘Gravity’s Rainbow’:


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